香港大學文學院哲學系將於2023年9月推出全新的Master of Arts in AI, Ethics and Society
[文科碩士 (人工智能、倫理及社會)]
Master of Arts in AI, Ethics and Society, launch in September 2023, by Department of Philosophy of HKU Faculty of Arts

28 June 2023 (Wednesday)

Master of Arts in AI, Ethics and Society
[文科碩士 (人工智能、倫理及社會)]

MA in AI, Ethics and Society

香港大學文學院哲學系將於2023年9月推出全新的Master of Arts in AI, Ethics and Society [文科碩士 (人工智能、倫理及社會),MAAIES]。這是在亞洲地區首個以此為主題的文科碩士課程,旨在培育有志於走在人工智能開創革新前沿的人才,並為這專業的發展作出貢獻。課程資訊會將於7月在網上舉行,讓有興趣的申請者了解更多有關課程的資料。


香港大學文學院哲學系講座教授、MAAIES課程統籌及AI&Humanity Lab 總監Herman Cappelen教授表示:「將人工智能(AI)融入我們的生活帶來令人興奮的前景,並可能徹底改變我們生活、工作和人際交流的方式。然而,這也帶來重大的挑戰。如果我們希望在獲得這技術的好處時,能避免潛在風險,便必須應對這些挑戰。人類面臨的主要挑戰之一,是如何負責任地、合乎道德和人道地,將人工智能融入我們的社會、政治和個人生活中。人工智能有潛力在創意和金融產業、教育、政治決策、城市規劃、醫療保健、交通運輸和幾乎所有其他方面顯著改善我們的生活。然而,它也有可能加劇現有的不平等問題,威脅我們的私隱、安全和自主權。要應對這些挑戰,我們必須跨越各學科、行業和政府的界限,促進協作和透明度,負責任地確保人工智能的開發和應用,對全人類有所禆益。我們現在作出的決定,將對人類的未來產生非凡的影響。MAAIES課程為學生提供所需的技能和知識,以理解和影響這些發展。由此,我們便可以朝著建立以人工智能為善的未來而努力。」

Google公司行政總裁Sundar Pichai先生有這樣的觀察: 「人工智能(AI)是人類正在從事的最重要事情之一。它比電力或火更深奧……我們已經學會了利用火為人類帶來好處,但我們也需要克服它的缺點。因此,我的觀點是,人工智能真的很重要,但我們也必須關注它的應用。」(中文譯本作參考)

香港大學文學院院長Derek Collins教授十分高興地表示: 「我對MAAIES課程的推出感到非常興奮。這新課程強化了香港大學和文學院在提供尖端、及時和相關碩士課程的不懈承諾,並將有助於提升學生的職業發展和知識。世界上並沒有很多同樣的課程,而香港大學文學院的MAAIES是在亞洲地區,首個以此為主題的文科碩士課程。無論你是年輕的學生、行業中的專業人士,或者是有關技術的專家,MAAIES課程都將深化你對人工智能及其相關議題之理解。此課程的畢業生將可以為任何公司增值,因為人工智能是現時最普遍的議題。同樣重要地,沒有技術背景,和擁有相關技術背景的人都同樣關心人工智能發展的未來。許多公司正在爭相應對人工智能帶來的市場機遇和挑戰,這意味著擁有相關知識的員工將極具優勢。MAAIES課程的畢業生將會是各行業渴求的下一代人才。我們現正加快推出這個課程,以滿足市場需求。我期待在今年秋季,迎接我們的第一屆學生。」

學生將有機會參與香港大學AI&Humanity Lab 的尖端研究和創新項目。他們將可與來自世界各地的頂尖學者及訪客進行討論。此領域的專家發表的演講和簡報,亦會為學生提供延伸的知識,和探索人工智能與社會關係的平台。

香港大學哲學系系主任及副教授Rachel Katharine Sterken 博士表示: 「MAAIES課程對學生的個人和職業發展都會帶來很多益處。學生將學習關於人工智能對倫理和社會的影響,及深入了解這項技術的潛在風險和好處。他們還會學習管理人工智能的法律和監管框架,以及其開發和應用的相關技術。通過研究人工智能、倫理和社會,學生將具備處理有關範疇的複雜議題,而所需要的技能和知識,這使他們有能力在各行業、政府和學術領域中擔任相關角色。這個課程的核心價值包括對協作、透明度和責任的重視,確保學生能夠在跨學科團隊中,有效地溝通並作出明智的決策。簡而言之,MAAIES課程為學生提供可以成功於人工智能日益成為我們生活核心的世界中發展,而所需的知識、技術、價值觀,和理解複雜而多面向議題的能力,以助他們作出有根據的決定,及為社會帶來正面的影響。」

由 Herman Cappelen 教授帶領的頂尖學者團隊 ( 將負責 MAAIES 課程的教學及安排。


2023年7月4日(星期二)下午5時 (香港時間),[以 Zoom 進行]
2023年7月10日(星期一)下午5時 (香港時間),[以 Zoom 進行]


- AI&Humanity Lab:

傳媒查詢及個別訪問安排,請聯絡文學院​執行主任葉小姐 (電話: 3917 4984 / 電郵:


Master of Arts in AI, Ethics and Society, launch in September 2023,
by Department of Philosophy of HKU Faculty of Arts

The Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) will launch its new Master of Arts in AI, Ethics and Society (MAAIES) programme in September 2023. This programme is the first of its kind in Asia and is designed for individuals who want to be at the forefront of the AI revolution and shape it for the better.  Online Information Sessions will be held in July for interested applicants to learn more about the Programme.

The MA in AI, Ethics and Society programme has an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on a range of fields, including philosophy, computer science, social sciences, law, political science, and humanities.  Through a rigorous curriculum that combines theoretical and practical approaches, students will gain a deep understanding of the ethical, social, and economic implications of AI.  They will also learn how to apply this knowledge in various contexts, including policy-making, business strategy, ethical design, and creative industries. 

Professor Herman Cappelen, Chair Professor of Philosophy, Director of the MAAIES programme and the AI&Humanity Lab says:
“The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our lives is an exciting prospect, with the potential to revolutionize the way we live, work and interact with one another.  However, it also presents significant challenges that we must address if we are to reap the benefits of this technology while avoiding its potential pitfalls.  One of the central challenges facing humanity is how to responsibly, ethically and humanely integrate AI into our social, political and individual lives.  AI has the potential to drastically improve creative and financial industries, education, political decision making, urban planning, healthcare, transportation, and almost all other aspects of our lives.  However, it also has the potential to exacerbate existing inequalities and threaten our privacy, security and autonomy.  To navigate these challenges, we must come together across a broad range of disciplines, industries and governments to foster a collaborative approach to integrating AI.  This task requires unprecedented collaboration, transparency, and accountability to ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a way that is beneficial to all of humanity.  The decisions we make now will have extraordinary effects on the future of humanity.  The aim of this MA programme is to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to understand and influence these developments.  By doing so, we can work towards a future where AI is a force for good.”   

Mr. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, observed:
“AI is one of the most important things humanity is working on. It is more profound than electricity or fire … We have learned to harness fire for the benefits of humanity but we had to overcome its downsides too. So my point is, AI is really important, but we have to be concerned about it.”

Professor Derek Collins, Dean of the Faculty of Arts is thrilled and says:
“I am super excited about the launch of MAAIES. This new programme reinforces the Faculty of Arts' and HKU's relentless commitment to offering cutting-edge, timely and relevant MA offerings that will advance our students' careers and knowledge. Few programmes like this exist in the world and we at HKU and the Faculty of Arts are the first to offer one in Asia. Whether you're a younger student, an industry professional, or already a technology specialist, the MAAIES programme will deepen your understanding of the monumental issues surrounding AI and its implications for the future. After completing this MA, graduates will add value to any company they work for because AI is now universally relevant. It’s also especially important to point out that people who do not have a technical background have just as much of a stake in the future of AI as those who do have one. Many companies are racing to grapple with market opportunities and challenges presented by AI, which means employees of the future who understand the capabilities of AI will have the edge. Companies will turn to programmes like MAAIES to find the next generation of talent.  We have accelerated the launch of this programme to meet market demand. I look forward to welcoming our first cohort this Fall.”

Students will also have the opportunity to engage with cutting-edge research and innovation through HKU's AI&Humanity Lab.  They will have access to leading scholars and engage in discussions with visitors from around the world.  Regular talks and presentations from experts in the field will also provide a platform for students to expand their knowledge and explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and society.

Dr. Rachel Katharine Sterken, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Chairperson of the Department of Philosophy says:
“An MA programme in AI, Ethics and Society can provide numerous benefits to students, both personally and professionally.  Students in this programme will learn about the ethical and social implications of AI, gaining a deep understanding of the potential risks and benefits of this technology.  They will also learn about the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern AI, as well as some of the relevant technical aspects of AI development and deployment.  By studying AI, Ethics and Society, students will be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complex ethical and social issues surrounding AI, making them well-equipped to take on roles where these are relevant in industry, government, and academia.  The core values of this programme include a commitment to collaboration, transparency, and accountability, ensuring that students are well-prepared to work in interdisciplinary teams and communicate effectively across different domains.  This programme is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the complex and multifaceted issues surrounding AI, enabling them to make informed decisions that will have a positive impact on society.  In short, an MA programme in AI, Ethics and Society can provide students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to succeed in a world where AI is increasingly central to our lives.”

Leading scholars ( headed by Professor Herman Cappelen will run the MAAIES programme.

Online Information Sessions will be held for interested applicants to learn more about the Programme according to the schedule below:

July 4, 2023 (Tuesday), at 5 p.m. (HK Time), Via Zoom
July 10, 2023 (Monday) at 5 p.m. (HK Time), Via Zoom

Registration link:

The programme is set to begin in the fall of 2023.  For more information and to apply:
- MA in AI, Ethics and Society programme, please visit
- AI&Humanity Lab, please visit:

For media enquiries or individual interview requests, please contact Ms Natalie Yip, Executive Officer, Development and Communications team, Faculty of Arts, Tel: (852) 3917 4984 / email:

For the online press release and photo, please visit: